Property:Family taxonomic rank

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This is an attribute that represents family taxonomic rank.

It is an enumeration, and the possible values are:

  • Superfamily
  • Family
  • Subfamily
Facts about Family taxonomic rankRDF feed
Allows valueThis property is a special property in this wiki. Superfamily, Family, and Subfamily
Has typeThis property is a special property in this wiki. StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.

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Pages using the property “Family taxonomic rank”

Showing 25 pages using this property.


Acanthasteridae + Family  +
Acanthogorgiidae + Family  +
Acanthuridae + Family  +
Acestrorhynchidae + Family  +
Acipenseridae + Family  +
Acroporidae + Family  +
Actiniidae + Family  +
Actinodendronidae + Family  +
Actinodiscidae + Family  +
Aeolidiidae + Family  +
Agariciidae + Family  +
Aglajidae + Family  +
Aiptasiidae + Family  +
Alcyonidiidae + Family  +
Alcyoniidae + Family  +
Alestiidae + Family  +
Aliciidae + Family  +
Alismataceae + Family  +
Alpheidae + Family  +
Ammotheidae + Family  +
Amphinomidae + Family  +
Amphiuridae + Family  +
Ampullaridae + Family  +
Anchoridae + Family  +
Ancistrinae + Subfamily  +
(previous 25) (next 25)