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Aponogeton longiplumulosus - (H.W.E. van Bruggen, 1968)

With its ruffled, delicate leaves, Longiplumulosus is a stunning specimen plant. MP & C Piednoir


Longiplumulosus is a slim, elegant plant that is well suited as a specimen or background plant. It has long, slender, ruffled leaves that grow out of a long tuber and are quite fragile and slightly transparent. It's a large plant best suited to larger aquariums.

Family: Aponogetonaceae

Other common name(s):

Native range:

Habitat: Permanent bodies of moving water.

Maximum height: 60 cm (24 in)

Lighting: Very bright light is best, but it will tolerate medium light.

Placement: Midground to background with room to stretch.

Water: Freshwater 22 °C (72 °F) - 26 °C (79 °F)


Longiplumulosus is at its best when the delicate, ruffled leaves can be seen swaying in a gentle current.


Regular use of fertilizer and optional CO2 enhance growth and regrowth after dormancy.

Special Care

Use a mix of fine gravel and clean sand. Don't bury the rhizome completely.




Aponogeton longiplumulosus is a self-care kind of plant even though it can be a little difficult to keep. This is mostly a problem where there is not enough light and water circulation. There should be a gentle current in the aquarium. Longiplumulosus flowers frequently in open aquaria with adequate lighting, although it it unlikely to produce seeds. The pink to violet and sometimes white, double flowers are well worth a second look, however, seeds or no seeds. It will die back and observe a rest phase for some period but then after a few weeks of dormancy, will send out new leaves, all without help from the gardener. It is relatively undemanding, and makes no special demands on water quality.

Reference: 101 Best Aquarium Plants
Image credit: MP & C Piednoir
Text credit: MES