Growing Hardy Orchids

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Pages: 244

List price: $29.95

Publisher: Timber Press

Year published: 2006

ISBN: 0881927155

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Grown for their fragrance, brilliant color, and longevity, hardy orchids have a reputation for being difficult to cultivate. The author dismantles this myth and teaches readers how anyone can grow these plants with just a few simple techniques.

103 hardy and half-hardy orchids are featured along with cultivation, propagation, and conservation information.

This is a book for adventurous gardeners with an appreciation for temperate orchid species and native wildflowers.

A surprising number of terrestrial orchids are hardy, some able to withstand temperatures down to minus 50°F or minus 45.5°C. Though they have a reputation for being challenging to cultivate, in truth, most hardy orchids are no more so than a rose. This is great news for gardeners, who will enjoy filling their gardens with their enchanting fragrances, vibrant color displays, and long-lived blooms. At the center of the book is a catalog of 103 hardy and half-hardy orchids.

In addition to detailing the techniques of cultivation and propagation, the book covers conservation and includes lists of suppliers and organizations offering nursery-propagated plants an especially critical issue for species in danger of extinction.

Awards for this book: American Horticultural Society Book Award


The book is an excellent and accessible resource, well illustrated, for the individual who enjoys orchids for their beauty and the amateur or professional grower who enjoys the cultivation of orchids of diverse habitats.
— Donald Kerr, Amazon Reviews