Yellow Snapper

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Lutjanus lutjanus - Bloch, 1790
Yellow Snapper

Yellow or Bigeye Snappers, Philippines. Tommy Schultz

[edit] Overview

Too large for the home aquarium, but an important food fish and delightful sight for Indo-Pacific divers.

Formerly known as Lutjanus lineolatus.

Family: Lutjanidae

Other common name(s):

  • Bigeye Snapper

Native range:

Maximum length: 35 cm (14 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 3800 L (1,004 gal)

Water: Marine 24 °C (297 K, 75 °F) - 28 °C (301 K, 82 °F)

General swimming level: Midwater to bottom.

[edit] Feeding

Carnivore, primarily feeding on smaller fish and crustaceans.

[edit] Aquarium Compatibility

Except for public aquarium exhibits, most snappers are poor candidates for captive display.

Reference: Fishbase
Facts about Yellow SnapperRDF feed
Common name Yellow Snapper  +, and Bigeye Snapper  +
Family Lutjanidae  +
Genus Lutjanus  +
Maximum length 14 in  +
Minimum aquarium size 1,004 gal  +
Native range Indo-Pacific  +, East Africa  +, Philippines  +, Southern Japan  +, Australia  +, Tonga  +, and Solomon Islands  +
Reference Fishbase  +
Specific name lutjanus  +
Swimming level Midwater to bottom.  +
Water max temp 301 K (28 °C, 82 °F)  +
Water min temp 297 K (24 °C, 75 °F)  +
Water type Marine  +