Lyretail Anthias

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Pseudanthias squamipinnis - (Peters, 1855)
Lyretail Anthias

A coral reef icon and among the easier anthias for aquarium keeping. Scott W. Michael

[edit] Overview

An icon of the coral reef, this anthias is ubiquitous in the Indo-Pacific, often forming large feeding shoals that hang as a ­brilliant curtain over current-prone reefs. It is one of the easier anthias to feed and keep in the home aquarium.

Family: Anthiinae

Other common name(s):

  • Sea Goldie
  • Orange Anthias
  • Purple Anthias

Native range:

Habitat: Reef. Provide ample open-water swimming space and brisk water flow to mimic their natural environment.

Maximum length: 11.9 cm (5 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 209 L (55 gal)

Water: Marine 24 °C (297 K, 75 °F) - 28 °C (301 K, 82 °F)

General swimming level: Mid-level.

[edit] Feeding

Carnivore; zooplankon eater. Feed meaty foods such as frozen mysid shrimp at least three times a day.

[edit] Aquarium Compatibility

While a shoal makes a lovely addition to a spacious reef aquarium, care must be taken in creating this assemblage. Add a single male and a half dozen or more females, introducing them simultaneously. (Males have a purple cast and an elongated ray streaming from their dorsal fin; females are orange.) Once acclimated, this species can be quite aggressive toward other zooplankton-feeders (e.g., dart gobies, fairy and flasher ­wrasses).

[edit] Breeding/Propagation

Egg scatterers that produce pelagic eggs, often in midwater mating rituals. Both eggs and larvae that drift with plankton in the water column and settle back onto a reef at about the time of metamorphosis. These are among the most challenging types of marine fishes to propagate in captivity.

[edit] Notes

In smaller aquariums, it will fight with other anthias (it is one of the more aggressive members of the anthias clan). Keep singly unless you have a large tank—100 gal. (380 L) or more. If kept in groups, the male will dart through his harem and occasionally chase females. In a large tank, if there are lots of females, one of them may change sex and begin competing with the resident male.

Reference: 101 Best Saltwater Fishes
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: SWM
Facts about Lyretail AnthiasRDF feed
Common name Lyretail Anthias  +, Sea Goldie  +, Orange Anthias  +, and Purple Anthias  +
Family Anthiinae  +
Genus Pseudanthias  +
Image credit SWM  +
Maximum length 5 in  +
Minimum aquarium size 55 gal  +
Native range Indo-West Pacific  +
Reference 101 Best Saltwater Fishes  +
Specific name squamipinnis  +
Swimming level Mid-level.  +
Text credit SWM  +
Water max temp 301 K (28 °C, 82 °F)  +
Water min temp 297 K (24 °C, 75 °F)  +
Water type Marine  +