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Didiplis diandra - (Wood, 1855)

Family: Lythraceae

Other common name(s):

  • Blood Stargrass
  • Water Hedge

Native range:

Habitat: Quiet shallows and banks of lakes, ponds, rivers, etc.

Maximum height: 40 cm (16 in)

Lighting: High intensity light needed.

Water: Freshwater 22 °C (295 K, 72 °F) - 26 °C (299 K, 79 °F)

Reference: 101 Best Aquarium Plants
Text credit: MES
Facts about StargrassRDF feed
Common name Stargrass  +, Blood Stargrass  +, and Water Hedge  +
Family Lythraceae  +
Genus Didiplis  +
Lighting High intensity light needed.  +
Maximum height 16 in  +
Native range North America  +
Reference 101 Best Aquarium Plants  +
Specific name diandra  +
Text credit MES  +
Water max temp 299 K (26 °C, 79 °F)  +
Water min temp 295 K (22 °C, 72 °F)  +
Water type Freshwater  +