Upside-Down Catfish

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Synodontis nigriventris - David, 1936
Upside-Down Catfish

A fascinating aquarium species often seen swimming and feeding in an upside-down position.


A wonderful little curiosity, this schooling species lives a great part of its life upside down in caves or racing to the surface to feed. Most fishes have lighter-colored bellies to escape predators from below, while these fish live an inverted lifestyle and are darker on the ventral side and lighter on top to avoid predators from above.

Family: Mochokidae

Other common name(s):

  • Blotched Upsidedown Catfish

Native range:

  • Central Congo Basin

Habitat: Prefers a tank planted with broad-leaved plants, such as Echinodorus spp. Needs a layer of floating plants or some other overhanging retreats under which to conceal itself. Choice of substrate is not important.

Maximum length: 9.5 cm (4 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 114 L (30 gal)

Water: Freshwater 22 °C (72 °F) - 26 °C (79 °F)

General swimming level: Bottom to surface.


Omnivore. The Upside-down Catfish will accept a wide variety of meaty catfish fare, including good-quality flakes, tablets, sinking wafers, as well as live and frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and Daphnia. Also offer vegetable-based foods like Spirulina flakes and sinking algae wafers. Feed first thing in the morning and just after the lights go out at night.

Aquarium Compatibility

The Upside-down Catfish is a peaceful species that should be kept in groups of at least three with other relatively mild-mannered community tank residents.


Rarely bred in the aquarium. There are indications that there might be some degree of parental care of the eggs.


Decorate with driftwood, as well as PVC piping to create tunnels for possibly spawning.

Reference: 101 Best Tropical Fishes
Image credit: JJ
Text credit: KW