Flying Fox

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Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus - (Bleeker, 1851)
Flying Fox

Neither a catfish nor an algae eater, but an interesting cyprinid character best kept singly.


While it is often mistaken for a catfish, this fish is classified with the barbs and upon close inspection will be seen to have two pairs of barbels on the upper lip. Like the Siamese Algae Eater, it has a black horizontal stripe that extends from the snout to the fork of the tail fin, although the portion running through the tail fin is darker and thicker in this species. Unlike the Siamese Algae Eater, it will not keep the tank free of algae, although it may eat plants. It has the peculiar habit of resting on plant leaves or the substrate on its pectoral fins.

Family: Cyprinidae

Other common name(s):

Native range:

Habitat: The Flying Fox prefers a densely planted aquarium that includes lots of rocks and driftwood to hide among. Provide a fine-grade gravel substrate and moderate to strong current. Regular water changes are appreciated.

Maximum length: 16 cm (6 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 110 L (29 gal)

Water: Freshwater 22 °C (72 °F) - 26 °C (79 °F)

General swimming level: Bottom to midwater


Omnivore. Feed a good variety of prepared foods. Spirulina should be a regular part of the diet. The addition of some meaty foods is also recommended.

Aquarium Compatibility

Although otherwise peaceful, the Flying Fox is a solitary, territorial species that will defend its space and becomes more aggressive with age. Keep only one per tank.


No spawnings reported in the aquarium.


It is a reasonably good community fish, but will battle with other Flying Foxes and should be kept singly.

Reference: 101 Best Tropical Fishes
Image credit: JJ
Text credit: KW