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Neoglyphidodon melas, Black Damselfish. Scott W. Michael

Family: Pomacentridae

Species in Genus Neoglyphidodon:

Reference: A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: SWM


Need a fish that is a drab dark brown or black overall and that will terrorize or kill your other fishes? This genus contains eight species that fill the bill, all coming from the Indo-Pacific.

The juveniles of most of the species are temptingly attractive, but as they grow, many change from dramatic to dull. They are also known for their bellicose dispositions. The adults will raise cain in a smaller reef tank or in an aquarium with more docile species. If you want to keep one, place them in a tank with moderately belligerent species, such as larger hawkfishes, angelfishes, sand perches, large wrasses, and more placid triggerfishes. Keep only one per tank.

As far as your reef tank is concerned, be aware that Black Damselfish (Neoglyph­idodon melas) is reported to feed on soft coral polyps, sea anemones, and zoanthids. This species has also been reported to associate with tridacnid clams and may feed on the clam’s feces. The rest are reported to feed on zooplankton, some algae, and tiny, benthic crustaceans, but it is possible that some of these other species may feed on coral polyps.

Facts about NeoglyphidodonRDF feed
Family Pomacentridae  +
Image credit SWM  +
Reference A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes  +
Text credit SWM  +