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Meiacanthus mossambicus, Mozambique Fangblenny. Scott W. Michael

Family: Blenniidae

Species in Genus Meiacanthus:

Reference: A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: SWM


These blennies spend most of their time swimming in the water column. They are more brazen because they have venomous fangs, but use them mostly in defense against would-be attackers. They will not nip at corals.

Feed them finely chopped seafood, mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and Cyclop-eeze (their mouths are relatively small, so make sure the food offered is small enough). They do best when housed with live rock as they hunt tiny crustaceans on the rock as well as feed on zooplankton produced by rock-dwellers.

There are several Meiacanthus species that have been raised in captivity. They are demersal spawners that deposit their eggs in a shell or crevice. House only one fang blenny per tank unless you can acquire a pair (males will fight). They rarely bother other fishes, with the possible exception of congeners. They are usually ignored by their tankmates because of their venomous fangs. That said, individuals may be harried by territorial species like dottybacks and damselfishes.