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Family: Gobiidae

Species in Genus Coryphopterus:


Reference: A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes
Text credit: SWM


These interesting, reef-safe gobies feed off the substrate and will help keep the upper layer of the sand from becoming overgrown or caked. They eat small worms and minute crustaceans, but are less likely to decimate infaunal invertebrates than the more aggressive sand-sifters

These sand-dwelling species are quite aggressive toward conspecifics and congeners—it is best not to house more than one per tank. Provide it with suitable hiding places as it will not do well if pestered by tankmates.

Some species (like the Masked Goby [C. personatus] and Peppermint Goby [C. lipernes]) live on hard substrate and feed on zooplankton. These latter species can be kept in pairs or small groups.

Facts about CoryphopterusRDF feed
Family Gobiidae  +
Reference A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes  +
Text credit SWM  +

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