Yellowstripe Anthias

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Pseudanthias tuka - (Herre & Montalban, 1927)
Yellowstripe Anthias

A lovely but hard-to-feed Anthias. Scott W. Michael

[edit] Overview

While exceptionally hued and relatively common in the aquarium trade, this is one of the anthias species that does not tend to fare well in captivity. For expert fishkeepers only.

Family: Anthiinae

Other common name(s):

  • Yellowstriped Fairy Basslet

Native range:

Habitat: Deeper reef slopes. Strong currents in the reef aquarium will help mimic their natural habitats.

Maximum length: 12 cm (5 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 208 L (55 gal)

Lighting: Reduced lighting.

Water: Marine 22 °C (295 K, 72 °F) - 28 °C (301 K, 82 °F)

General swimming level: Middle and upper half.

[edit] Feeding

It often refuses to eat or does not get enough food to survive. Anthias are planktivores that snatch meaty food items from the water column. Offer mysid shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, Cyclop-eeze at least 3 times daily.

[edit] Aquarium Compatibility

Completely safe with reef corals and sessile invertebrates.

[edit] Special Care

Keep singly or 1 male to 5 or more females in a large aquarium. Males have elongated yellow snouts.

[edit] Breeding/Propagation

Pelagic eggs and larvae.

Reference: 101 Best Saltwater Fishes
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: SWM
Facts about Yellowstripe AnthiasRDF feed
Common name Yellowstripe Anthias  +, and Yellowstriped Fairy Basslet  +
Family Anthiinae  +
Genus Pseudanthias  +
Image credit SWM  +
Lighting Reduced lighting.  +
Maximum length 5 in  +
Minimum aquarium size 55 gal  +
Native range Indo-West-Pacific  +, Mauritius  +, Philippines  +, Indonesia  +, Micronesia  +, Great Barrier Reef  +, and Solomon Islands  +
Reference 101 Best Saltwater Fishes  +
Specific name tuka  +
Swimming level Middle and upper half.  +
Text credit SWM  +
Water max temp 301 K (28 °C, 82 °F)  +
Water min temp 295 K (22 °C, 72 °F)  +
Water type Marine  +