Reef Fishes Volume 3

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Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes
Expert captive care advice for the marine aquarist!

RF3 cover.jpg


Pages: 344

List price: $44.95

Publisher: T.F.H. Publications, Inc.

Series: The Reef Fishes Series

Year published: 2004

ISBN: 1890087696

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This much-anticipated third volume of the definitive six-volume Reef Fishes Series covers the Angelfishes(Pomacanthidae) and Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), as well as reef environments, fish behaviors, anatomy, taxonomy, and evolution of 12 fish families.

With hundreds of species accounts and world-class photographs, this is another definitive work from author, Scott W. Michael.

A much-needed reference for aquarists, as well as for divers and coral reef naturalists, this authoritative account includes more than 800 species photographs.

Familes covered in this volume:



"No question about it. It is the greatest book on angelfish and butterfly fish. It is full of photos for identification."
—Purple Tang, Amazon Reviews

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