Ocellaris Clownfish

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Amphiprion ocellaris - Cuvier, 1830
Ocellaris Clownfish

Among the most popular of aquarium fishes, also known as the Common or False Percula Clownfish. Scott W. Michael


Well-known for its starring role in the movie “Finding Nemo,” this endearing little fish is a welcome introduction to more peaceful community settings, small and large tanks alike.

Ocellaris Clowns are very similar to the Percula Clownfish but usually lack the jet-black pigmentation that borders the white bands on A. percula.

Captive-bred stock is readily available and superior to wild clownfishes. See Wild-caught Clownfishes (Anemonefishes).

Family: Pomacentridae

Other common name(s):

  • False Percula Clownfish
  • Clown Anemonefish
  • Common Clownfish, Common Clown

Native range:

Habitat: In the wild, it is found with a host sea anemone (often Heteractis magnifica, the Magnificent Anemone—a species that is very hard to keep in captivity). However, this fish is easily kept and even bred without an anemone. It may adopt a surrogate host—a patch of hair algae, some coral polyps or even a feather duster worm.

Maximum length: 9 cm (4 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 38 L (10 gal)

Water: Marine 24 °C (75 °F) - 28 °C (82 °F)

General swimming level: Near substrate.


Omnivore. Feed meaty and algae-based foods at least twice a day. Color-enhancing foods can help it maintain its bright colors.

Aquarium Compatibility

This gorgeous little fish seems to wriggle like a puppy when excited, undulating in a serpentine-like manner that never fails to amuse observers. Always seek out captive-raised individuals, as they acclimate more readily than wild-caught fish.


Demersal (on or near the bottom) spawners that tend and protect their broods.


This is one of the more passive clownfishes. Although it is best kept in pairs, if you purchase two juveniles, one will transform into a female, while a subordinate individual will become a male. They rarely bother other clownfish, but are often the target of more belligerent relatives. The Ocellaris Clownfish is also harmless toward non-related fishes and invertebrates, making it one of the best clownfishes for the community aquarium or nano-reef.

Reference: 101 Best Saltwater Fishes
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: SWM