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Chiton tuberculatus, Guadaloupe, West Indies. Hans Hillewaert (Lycaon)/Wiki Commons
Tridacna maxima, Maxima Clam. Scott W. Michael
Elysia crispata, Lettuce Slug. Scott W. Michael
Cyprea tigris, Tiger Cowrie. Scott W. Michael
Sepia latimanus, Broadclub Cuttlefish. Janine Cairns-Michael

[edit] The Mollusks

Clams, Oysters, Squids, Octopuses, Snails

Number of Living Species: 50,000.

'Common Characteristics: Many secrete a protective dorsal shell of calcium carbonate, although in some groups the shell is much reduced or absent; an anatomical feature in most is the radula, a rasping band covered with rows of teeth; marine mollusks typically have well-developed gills; ventral surface is usually a mucus-secreting foot, a muscular organ used for creeping locomotion; sizes range from minuscule (snails) to the world’s largest invertebrates (giant squids).

Noteworthy Behaviors: the generalized marine mollusk is a grazer, moving across the substrate and scraping algae (and other organisms) with its beltlike radula; although many are slow-moving or live attached to substrate, the squids include the fastest-recorded aquatic invertebrates (up to 40 km/hr.).

[edit] Chitons

Class Polyplacophora (Chitons): 800 species

[edit] Bivalves

Class Bivalvia (Clams, Oysters, Mussels): 7,700 species

[edit] Sea Slugs and Nudibranchs

Suborder Nudibranchia: 3,000+ species.

[edit] Snails

Class Gastropoda (Snails, Slugs): 30,000 species

[edit] Squids and Cuttlefishes

Class Cephalopoda (Nautiluses, Cuttlefishes, Squids, Octopuses): 600 species

From: Reef Life by Denise Nielsen Tackett