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Carolina Fanwort

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Cabomba caroliniana - (A. Gray, (1837))
Carolina Fanwort

Family: Cabombaceae

Other common name(s):

  • Green Cabomba

Native range:

Habitat: Lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, etc., with slow-flowing and even stagnant waters.

Maximum height: 80 cm (31 in)

Lighting: Bright.

Placement: Midground to background in bunches.

Water: Freshwater 21 °C (294 K, 70 °F) - 24 °C (297 K, 75 °F)

Drs. Foster and Smith Inc.

[edit] Overview

Carolina Fanwort is an old-time favorite, especially among beginning hobbyists. It's tried-and-true reputation is well-earned, as this plant will grow in most aquarium set-ups.

[edit] Feeding

Grateful for scraps.

[edit] Special Care

None required.

[edit] Breeding/Propagation

Cuttings form roots then planted in the substrate. Floating stem fragments grow in water.

[edit] Notes

This is a wonderful background plant for starting new aquariums, where the fast growth is a real asset. Its bright color and delicate-looking, feathery leaves offer excellent contrast for other plants in the aquascape. It is a true aquatic plant that does not grow emersed, though the flowers will poke above the water. Herbivorous fishes are quite fond of Cabomba leaves and Goldfish will strip the leaves faster than they can grow back, which is really saying something! Be particularly conscientious about keeping your Cabomba out of the waterways. It can be a real pest, crowding out native species and clogging waterways for recreational and aesthetic use.

Reference: 101 Best Aquarium Plants
Text credit: MES
Facts about Carolina FanwortRDF feed
Common name Carolina Fanwort  +, and Green Cabomba  +
Family Cabombaceae  +
Genus Cabomba  +
Lighting Bright.  +
Maximum height 31 in  +
Native range North America  +, and South America  +
Placement Midground to background in bunches.  +
Reference 101 Best Aquarium Plants  +
Specific name caroliniana  +
Text credit MES  +
Water max temp 297 K (24 °C, 75 °F)  +
Water min temp 294 K (21 °C, 70 °F)  +
Water type Freshwater  +

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