Bobtail Squids

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Euprymna spp. - Steenstrup, 1887
Bobtail Squids

These squids make captivating and easily trained pets. Scott W. Michael


Often quite reclusive, Bobtail squids will bury in the sand with just their eyes showing, and will wait for prey to swim by. They have short life spans; most live less than two years in captivity.

Family: Sepiolidae

Other common name(s):

Native range:

Habitat: Bobtail squid are animals of sand flats, and they ought to be kept in a biotope-type aquarium with an open sand-bed and minimal aquascaping or rockwork.

Maximum length: 5 cm (2 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 190 L (50 gal)

Lighting: Diurnal cycle necessary. Moderate to bright lighting.

Water: Marine 27 °C (81 °F) - 28 °C (82 °F)


Prefer live foods (small fishes or shrimp). Very small Euprymna may take live adult brine shrimp.

Aquarium Compatibility

Predators on crustaceans, perhaps fishes. Not suitable for reef aquariums.

Special Care

These squids are temperature sensitive and should not be kept at temperatures lower than 80°F (27°C). They are intolerant of fouled water; a good skimmer and high-volume water circulation is a necessity.


Try to get a small animal and raise it to maturity if you wish to keep it for the longest possible time.

Reference: A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Invertebrates
Image credit: SWM
Text credit: RLS