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135-Gallon Moderately Aggressive Aquarium—Western Pacific

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[edit] A Model Marine Aquarium

This is a beautiful collection of bolder, self-assured species.

Add the two pygmy angelfish at the same time to reduce the likelihood of aggression and be sure they have plenty of hiding places.

You can include a host sea anemone (preferably a captive-bred Bubble-Tip Anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor, which is quite hardy) for your Tomato Clown if you have good light and water movement.

The tang will need lots of open swimming space. The tuskfish is a true focal fish—the bold orange bands and protruding baby blue fangs will grab any viewer’s attention.

Both the hawk- and triggerfish should be added to the tank after all others are well-acclimated.

  • 1 Bubble-Tip Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor

[edit] Related Articles

Excerpted from: 101 Best Saltwater Fishes